A place to read, connect, learn and dream for children and youth in Oaxaca, Mexico.
What greater gift than the possibility of submerging oneself in amazing stories? This holiday season, we’re wishing for an amazing new library to become a reality for the Vicente Guerrero community in 2022. Book lovers, assemble!
SiKanda and neighbors from Zaachila oriente, Oaxaca, will come together in 2022 to build a brand new Green Library, reusing milk cartons and plastic bottles. During this holiday season, we’re inviting YOU to join the project by giving books to fill the shelves: including your favorite ones!
All donations for A Christmas Library will be destined to purchase new books, bookcases, supplies, and to organize activities, workshops and reading sessions within the library. We select materials that put the accent on representation, violence prevention, mexican and latinamerican writers (particularly women), and books available in different indigenous languages spoken in Oaxaca.
The Vicente Guerrero community has over 13,000 inhabitants. Since 2005, SiKanda, mothers, fathers, teachers and students have been working together to create school libraries. With COVID-19 forcing the schools to close, our Christmas wish is to create a library that can serve the wider community, with books that are accessible for all, and to make sure it can become a safe space for families to come together and read, tell stories, and also to tackle other issues that need collective attention.
What your donation can help support:
- $15 USD – One new book
- $50 USD – A read-aloud workshop or book club session
- $70 USD – Maintenance and supplies
- $100 USD – A collection of books
- $500 USD – a set of shelves or additional furniture
Gift now here
*Tax deductible for US donors