Candy Pacheco – SiKanda Social Service Fall 2022-2023

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Hi! I’m Candy. I’m from Oaxaca and I’m 23 years old, I study Communications and Digital Media at Universidad La Salle Oaxaca. Some of my hobbies and passions include film, photography, music and musical theater.

Before joining SiKanda, I was unaware of how interesting the work that nonprofit associations do was. This is a field that few people are familiar with, as in university we are trained to join private sector, media, advertising or marketing companies, and even business ventures. My experience at SiKanda has made me realize the importance of the social sector for the work it carries out.

During my time here I have learnt about SiKanda’s projects and their impact such as their creation of safe spaces for those participating and their vast array of training topics on offer, for example. Listening to the opinions of those who form the communities has helped me to develop my own opinion.

Something that I have really enjoyed is participating in the visits to the communities with which SiKanda works. Working in communications gives me the opportunity to participate in these trips to help out or record the project’s activities. For example, for Mujeres A.V.E., I recorded testimonies and took photos of the workshop sessions. This gave me some insight into how the women who participated in these projects had benefited from them. For some  it had helped them to regain their self esteem whilst for others it helped them to properly manage their businesses.

I believe that communication is an integral part of any organization due to its role of disseminating and distributing content, both internally and externally.

As a student who’s soon going to be entering the labor market, being at SiKanda allows me to put my educational training theory, skills and professional ethics of communication into practice, to contribute to a more equitable society without forgetting that one of our core responsibilities is to respect and safeguard the dignity of all people, without the need to use sensationalism to raise awareness.


Click on the image to watch the video on YouTube:


Above, you will find a video I would like to share with you. It is the first video I edited for SiKanda, a mark of the first time I had direct involvement with a project. I really liked being able to help in the making of this audiovisual production because in addition to the technical aspect of it, by planning the interview, you learn something much more important: to build trust with the person so that they feel comfortable in front of the camera, allowing them to open up about aspects of their life.

In SiKanda I met kind people who are committed to the work, mission and vision of their organization, and who taught me a lot, including the tremendous amount of work that is undertaken by an organization, and how everything is accomplished thanks to the mutual collaboration of all those who make up the organization.

If you want to know more about the projects I worked on or my experience more generally of my time at SiKanda, I’ve left my contact information below where you can reach me.


Instagram: duxel



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