Worm-Action Center (CLA)


The Worm-Action Center is an interactive space for individuals, families, schools, organizations, and communities, who can visit the center to learn basic waste management, composting, worm composting, and vegetable growing skills. Moreover, we offer inclusive recycling and environmental education awareness activities.

If you are interested in visiting the or want more information on our workshops send an email to:info@sikanda.org or call us during our office hours to +52 (951) 144-39-64.

Warning: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, some activities may not be available.

What is the Worm-Action Center for?

The correlation between waste accumulation, poor sewage, and the reduction of life expectancy has been widely documented by the UN and the WHO, who in their study “UN-Water Global Annual Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking Water 2012” demonstrate waste severely affects the quality of the environment and water while also contributing to diarrhea being the second influential factor in mortality at the global level, especially among the infant population.

Watch the 4 videos on our YouTube channel to learn about vermiculture and start composting your home waste. Use the PDF manual that we prepared for you from the Downloads section at the end of this page. Enjoy!

General Objective:

To share environmental education techniques that focus on proper waste management, compost creation, vegetable growing, use of eco techniques, and our favorite part: worm composting workshops with the aid of our friends the Californian red worms.

  • We advise on vermicompost projects, organic orchards and raising laying hens in collaboration with the Inclusive Recycling project and the team of recyclers from the San Lorenzo Cacaotepec landfill.
  • +1,461,519 impressions on the YouTube channel, 9370 current subscriptions, +25,274.9 hours of video playback in the worm farming promotional content as an effective method to separate and reduce organic waste from home.
  • We maintained the collection and processing of organic waste in Oaxaca.
  • Growth of the Facebook group “Worm Community” where 195 people interact around worm farming.
  • Reactivation of the Worm-Action Center (CLA) where around 10 tons of organic waste were processed, resulting in 2 tons of vermicompost.
  • 1,461,519 impressions on the YouTube channel, 3,042 new subscriptions, 25,274.9 hours of video playback in the worm farming promotional content as an effective method to separate and reduce organic waste from home.
  • Creation of the Facebook group “Lombricultora Community” where 115 people interact around lomrbiculture.
  • The Worm-Action Center receives approximately 1,000 visitors per year.
  • Organic fertilizer from worms is produced and commercialized.
  • 1700 kg of organic waste is transformed monthly.
  • The Center’s model is replicated in the Integral Center for the Treatment of Solid Waste (CITRESO) of Huajuapan de León and San Lorenzo Cacaotepec.
  • Free workshops for public schools and communities are offered.

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