Youth Compass

Project Youth Compass promotes the strengthening of civil society through training processes and multi-stakeholder agreements to create favorable conditions for the social and labor inclusion of young people, particularly youth in situations of vulnerability, in three regions of the states of Oaxaca and San Luis Potosí. This initiative, funded by the European Union, seeks to build a dialogue between civil society organizations, local authorities and representatives of the private sector to promote the effective laboral participation of youth, as well as their full development of their capacities and the guarantee of their rights.

Place of Implementation:

  • Oaxaca: Central Valleys, Mixteca and Coast
  • San Luis Potosí: Center, Media and Huasteca

Main donor:

  • European Union

Partners and collaborators (operational):

  • Educación y Ciudadanía A.C. (Educiac-Education and Citizenship) in San Luis Potosí
  • Solidaridad Internacional Kanda A.C. (SiKanda) in Oaxaca


Strengthen the capacities of civil society in Oaxaca and San Luis Potosí to promote social cohesion in an innovative way through actions that propose social and laboral inclusion in dignified conditions for youth living in conditions of vulnerability between 15 and 29 years old, particularly women, and to contribute to the construction of public policies in favor of youth.

Main activities :

  • A participatory multi-stakeholder research diagnosis that allows an in-depth understanding of the situation and contexts in which youth operates.
  • Systematization, exchange and dissemination of specific agendas for the construction of public policies for the benefit of youth in precarious situations.
  • Actions aimed at promoting the inclusion and employment of youth with a territorial, gender, human rights and social economy approach.
  • Design and application of training models for civil organizations, local authorities, private sector and educational / training institutions, with participatory methodologies relevant to the territories.

What does the project propose?

  • Participatory, inclusive and innovative processes, with medium and long-term strategic objectives that promote the social and labor inclusion of youth.
  • Characterization and identification of the situation of young people around the questions of sociolaboral inclusion, as well as the capacities to influence civil society and other relevant actors to strengthen the conditions for decent work for youth in precarious situations, in the above mentioned territories.
  • Generation of proposals for the creation of intersectoral strategies aimed at the social inclusion of young people, generated from the process of diagnosis and participatory research.
  • Strengthening of individual capacities, as of institutional and dialogue capacities for the civil society organizations, private sector (including small and medium enterprises), local authorities, and educational institutions, in order to facilitate an proper environment for the participation and multi-stakeholder vinculation in matters of youth sociolaboral inclusion, with decent conditions.
  • Piloting and systematization of innovative actions with a territorial and gender approach, to strengthen capacities for the exercise of rights and promote sociolaboral inclusion of young people in vulnerable conditions and in territories in precarious situations, through support mechanisms for the school-work transition, processes for vocational training with a human rights-based approach, and cascade funding.
  • Sensitization on the topics of human rights, labor and employability for youth in Oaxaca and San Luis Potosí.
  • Creation of proposals for programs and / or public policies aimed at promoting the social and labor insertion of vulnerable youth, mainly women, in precarious territories, through multi-stakeholder dialogue processes within and between Oaxaca and SLP.
  • The crisis derived from the COVID-19 pandemic will further accentuate the difficulties young people already face in entering the workforce in dignified and safe conditions. Faced with the current situation of the pandemic, the project becomes more relevant and is proposed as an alternative to accompany youth in the search and creation of decent employment.
  • Additionally, young women face particularly significant challenges due to gender status. Women continue to do most of the housework, which affects their job search possibilities and leads to a decrease in the rate of female social and labor participation.

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